Battle over the Rift: Bloodsuckers and Humanoids Slaughter One Another Over Territory. 2024. Gouache, acrylic, and ink on paper. 240 x 96 in.
(photo by Chris Hanke)
Procession: Slaves, Gold, and a Living Idol are Plundered by Bloodsuckers.” 2024. Gouache, acrylic, and ink on paper. 97 x 51 in. (photo by Chris Hanke)
Sky Battle: An Air-Land Skirmish for the Living Idol. 2024. Gouache and ink on paper. 51 x 85 in. (photo by Chris Hanke)
Vampire Party: Bloodsuckers Summon a BloodGod through Sacrifice. 2024. Gouache, acrylic, and ink on paper. 36 x 36 in. (photo by Chris Hanke)
Vampire Party, 2023, Gouache and Ink on Paper, 60 x 36 in.
Birth by Dance, 2023, Gouache, Acrylic, & Ink on Wood , 48 x 96 in. (photo by Donatello)
Birth by Blood: A Godhead Summoned by Dancing, Sacrifice, and a Psychic Skeleton.“ 2022. Gouache, acrylic, and ink on wood. 48 x 96 in.
(photo by Chris Hanke)
Plunder: Inter-Humanoid Massacre. Gold is Stolen and a Patron Dragon is Beheaded. 2022. Gouache, acrylic, and ink on wood. 48 x 96 in.
(photo by Donatello)
Theft: Blood is Stolen from a Living Idol. 2022. Gouache, acrylic, and ink on paper. 29 1/2 x 22 in. (photo by Chris Hanke")
The Festival, 2021 Gouache & Ink, 78 x 44 in.
The Triumph, 2020, Gouache & Ink , 52 x 69 in.
The Party!, 2020, Gouache and Ink, 21 x 29 in.
Battleground, 2019, 36 x 60 in, Gouache & Ink
Uruk, 2018, Gouache & Ink, 20 x 14 in.
Lagash, 2018, Gouache & Ink, 20 x 14 in.
Kish, 2018, Gouache & Ink, 20 x 14 in.
Nimrud, 2018, Gouache & Ink, 20 x 14 in.
Ur, 2018, Gouache & Ink, 20 x 14 in.
Worship Grounds IV, 2017, Gouache & Ink, 53 x 33 in.
Worship Grounds III, 2016, Gouache & Ink, 22 x 30 in
Worship Grounds II, 2016, Gouache & Ink, 30 x 22 in.
Worship Grounds I, 2016, Ink, 30 x 22 in.
Sights on the Strip II, 2015, Gouache & Ink, 30 x 22 in.
Sights on the Strip I, 2016, Gouache & Ink, 30 x 22 in.
Milk River III, 2014, Gouache & Ink, 25 x 20 in.
Milk River II, 2014, Gouache & Ink, 25 x 20 in.
Milk River I, 2014, Gouache & Ink, 25 x 20 in.